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I made a pipeline using Z3 (another prover language) to get LLMs to solve very specific puzzle problems: https://youtu.be/UjSf0rA1blc (and a presentation: https://youtu.be/TUAmfi8Ws1g)

Some thoughts:

1. Getting an LLM to model a problem accurately is a significant prompting exercise. Bridging casual logical statements and formal logic is difficult. E.g., "or" statements in English usually mean "xor" in logic.

2. Domains usually have their own language expectations. I was doing Zebra puzzles (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zebra_Puzzle) and they have a very specific pattern and language. I don't think it's fair to really call it intuitive or even entirely unambiguous, it's something you have to learn. The LLM has to learn it too. They have seen this kind of puzzle (and I think most can reproduce the original Zebra puzzle from memory), but they lack a really firm familiarity.

3. Arguably some of the familiarity is about contextualizing the problem, which is itself a prompting task. People don't naturally solve Zebra puzzles that we find organically, it's something we encounter in specific contexts (like a puzzle book) which is not so dissimilar from prompting.

4. Incidentally Claude Sonnet 3.5 has a substantial lead. And GPT o1 is not much better than GPT 4o. In some sense I think o1 is a kind of self-prompting, an attempt to create its own context; so if you already have a well-worded prompt with instructions then o1 isn't that good at improving performance over 4o.

5. A lot of the prompting is really intended to slow down the LLM, to keep it from jumping to conclusions or solving a task too quickly (and incorrectly). Which again is a case of the prompt doing what o1 tries to do generally.

6. I'm not sure what tasks call for this kind of logical reasoning. Not that I don't think they exist, I just don't know how to recognize them. Planning tasks? Highly formalized and artificially constructed problems don't seem all that interesting... and the whole point of adding an LLM to the process is to formalize the informal.

7. Perhaps it's hard to see because real-world problems seldom have conveniently exact solutions. But that's not a blocker... Prolog (and Z3) can take constraints as a form of elimination, providing lists of possible answers, and maybe just reducing the search space is enough to move forward on some kinds of problems.

8. For instance when I give my pipeline really hard Zebra problems it usually doesn't succeed; one bug in one rule will kill the whole thing. Also I think the LLMs have a hard time keeping track of large problems; a context size problem, even though the problems don't approach their formal context limits. But I can imagine building the pipeline so it also tries to mark low-confidence rules. Given that I can imagine removing those rules, sampling the resulting (non-unique, sometimes incorrect) answers and using that to revisit and perhaps correct some of those rules.

Really I'd be most interested to hear thoughts on where this logic programming might actually be applied... artificial puzzles are an interesting exercise, but I can't really motivate myself to go too deep.

> 6. I'm not sure what tasks call for this kind of logical reasoning

Basically any tasks that fulfill legal or business requirements? Both companies and governments are rushing to put LLMs into anything they can to avoid paying people. It’s vital to ascertain that, say, a benefits application is assessed properly and the LLM doesn’t hallucinate its way into an incorrect decision.

I’d question if we really need LLMs in many of the places we’re sticking them at all (or if it’ll even be cheaper), but that’s more flawed human decision.