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Continuing to use a memory-unsafe language that has no recourse for safety and is full of footguns and is frankly irresponsible for the software profession. God help us all.

By the way, the US government did the profession no favors by including C++ as a memory-unsafe language. It is possible to write memory-safe C++, safe array dereferencing C++. But it’s not obvious how to do it. Herb Sutter is working on it with CppFront. The point stands that C++ can be memory-safe code. If you make a mistake, you might write some unsafe code in C++. But you can fix that mistake and learn to avoid it.

When you write C, you are in the bad luck shitter. You have no choice. You will write memory—unsafe code and hope you don’t fuck it up. You will hope that a refactor of your code doesn’t fuck it up.

Ah, C, so simple! You, only you, are responsible for handling memory safely. Don’t fuck it up, cadet. (Don’t leave it all to computers like a C++ developer would.)

Put C in the bin, where it belongs.

You can't just put a language in the bin that has been used for 50 years and that a huge percentage the present day software infrastructure is built on.

I see comments like yours everywhere all the time and I seriously think you have a very unhealthy emotional relationship with this topic. You should not have that much hate in your heart for a programming language that has served us very well for many decades and still continues to do so. Even if C was literally all bad (which imho isn't even possible), you shouldn't be that angry at it.

There are still applications (especially with embedded devices) where you do not dynamically allocate memory or might not even use pointers at all.
Skill issue
It's been a skill issue for 40 years. How long are we going to continue searching for those programmers who don't make mistakes?
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