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All possible plots by major authors (2020)

loading story #41853321
loading story #41853892
Every New Yorker short fiction: our protagonist, a slightly dislikable person, suffers from a medium-high amount of ennui.
loading story #41853781
loading story #41852949
loading story #41853136
loading story #41852776
loading story #41854461
loading story #41852768
Stephen King: A character wonders if, given all the suffering recently endured over the last few hundred pages, life is nonetheless still worth living. This character is killed by an entity which, despite all appearance and reputation, is permanently and inexplicably murderous.
loading story #41854879
loading story #41852762
loading story #41853562
loading story #41855147
loading story #41853012
All possible trees by major forests
Pithy and absolutely correct
Funny, thanks. This is another very fun one in the same spirit:


Stephen King: you'll know better than to FAFO after I tell you what happened in Maine a few decades ago.
loading story #41853005
loading story #41854184
I want an author who's work is completely unidentifiable from one release to the next. Or to find a dozen authors who have inconceivably and independently created identical manuscripts. Surely if there were a library with all possible books, we would find one of those two things...
loading story #41853948
loading story #41853955
loading story #41854731
loading story #41855086
loading story #41852894
loading story #41853647
Hacker News: Apple launches data center on a stick, and boy does Elon Musk have an opinion about that (14879 comments)
"thomas hardy

Lies, lies, misery, lies, suicide, rape, and corn prices."

So true

loading story #41853772
loading story #41854397
loading story #41853848
loading story #41855344
loading story #41853278
loading story #41855149
loading story #41853399
loading story #41853413
loading story #41852825
loading story #41854284
loading story #41852779
loading story #41854822
loading story #41853723