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Virtual bezels and let the user choosing.
Dynamically get larger as battery life decreases
And pay for a screen size I won't use? No, thanks.
Could be dynamic, example, watching a movie, no bezels. Remove the bezels from the top and/or bottom, that changes on the device orientation. Placed in a stand remove the bezels, add them back when picked up.
So what mechanism would you suggest to reliably detect when I want to pick it up so it adds the bezels before I'm able to cause any accidental input?
That sounds awesome actually. Makes me wonder how hard it would be on a rooted phone to just have it tell the software the screen is a few pixels smaller so you can touch chose sides safely, and remove the restriction again when you're in movie mode

Never heard of anyone making that but this would honestly sound like the first innovation in several years, not incremental like "GPS now finds a solution 2 seconds faster" and "the mobile data now uses 7% less energy" but something that is now possible that wasn't a feature before

Imagining that with Apple you're paying for the screen size is a bit rich.