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This is 100% the kind of thing I was hoping for when daydreaming "what will the internet be like 20 years from now" growing up. Cool design, hilariously overpowered backend to do something basic (but do it so well), and 0 of the corporate feeling or ad apocalypse. Awesome stuff!
Hahah, so true! One clarification, though: while I'm sure the backend is overpowered (Cloudflare Pages, easily handling the Hug of Death from HN), but in this case it's only serving static resources. All the hard work is done by the hilariously overpowered devices we carry in our pockets or use for everything but serious work ;)
Oh 100%, the hosting is more than fitting. I had meant to refer to the app's non-UI code (machine learning to place meme glasses)! Apologies for the lack of clarity.
Ah, gotcha! Hahah, yeah, I'm sure this is exactly the use case folks were thinking of when dreaming of AI applications decades ago...
Right behind "Badger Badger Badger in photorealistic 3D" ;)
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