In the Isaacson biography there's a theme across his ventures, sparked by early misfortune, about being in control of things end-to-end because then you have more flexibility to optimize, make more leaps that can come from orchestrating creative adn bespoke integration options.
Someone that goes to work to do the tasks assigned to them (which applies to both managers and those on the line) vs. someone that goes to work because they want something (e.g. maybe a certain product made with certain features) thinks very differently. The latter has a whole plan and the plan has certain sub-requirements that all feed back into the greater goal.
As part of going to Mars, you will likely have to send many supporting missions, which drives the requirement to lower costs. When designing bespoke systems, contracting it out to third party vendors can be expensive. Usually you contract out to third party vendors because they can utilize economies of scale because they have many clients who are asking for the same thing, but there are no economies of scale here because no one has reusable rockets in their catalog.