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> This is how you get a future where novels are full of product placements because ads are the last way for artists to eat.

That's a problem with ads. Advertising as it is today needs to be banned. It's a cancer that corrupts every medium of communications.

> Instead of too many artists chasing too few dollars you have too many artists chasing zero dollars.

Taking the advertising cancer out of consideration, the bottom will drop out of that, and you'll have much fewer writers, and much better writing.

The Information Age killed the business model based on selling copies of creative works. Copyright is a desperate attempt at saving those business models, by legally constraining digital data to behave like physical objects. This is just fighting against the nature of digital data as a medium. It ultimately cannot succeed, it's increasingly costly to maintain, and the side effects are only getting worse.

> For God’s sake look at what happened to the open web where everything was free and copyright was ignored. That would happen to literature.

Yes, it flourished and reached amazing quality levels and very good SNR - that is, until marketing people went on-line too, which is when it all went to shit.