Kids who use ChatGPT as a study assistant do worse on tests life, we rarely have the answer in front of us, we have to work that out from the things we know. It’s this struggling that builds a muscle you can then apply to any problem. ChatGPT, I suspect, is akin to looking up the answer. You’re failing to exercise the muscle needed to solve novel (to you), problems.
this sounds a lot like the "when you're an adult, you won't always have a calculator in your pocket" line we all heard in elementary school. and of course, we all know now how wrong that was.
in life, chatGPT exists. and tools like it are only going to become more widespread. we are going to have the answers in front of us. knowing the things an LLM knows is not a useful skill anymore.
Also, knowing what kind of things exist and what questions to ask is half the battle. If you haven't stored anything in your head on the grounds that you can outsource knowing things and thinking about them to ChatGPT, you're not going to be able to prompt it efficiently either. It's much harder to sanity check numbers and formulas given to you by others (or ChatGPT) if you can't do any quick mental math. Having original ideas that don't yet exist in LLM datasets also requires storing a lot of concepts and making new connections between them.
I suppose all this is moot if you expect AGI to be available to everyone in the near future, but if it turns out to be decades or more away unfortunately human mental effort will still be required in the meantime.
Tools like calculators, ChatGTP, Google, and chainsaws are often force magnifiers for experts, and a danger for beginners.
If you have an idea of what you are trying to do at a deep level then they are great, but beginners don't, they usually just use them as a shortcut to avoid needing any real understanding of the space, and just get "the answer".
Although in some ways youre right. There will need to be changes in the skills we value, just churning out words, or calculating large sums and interating obscure trig functions will lose value.
How wrong was it ? I find myself having to do head math every time I playing video games.
I also use things I learned from calculus and physics. Like when driving. No, not solving integrals all the time but it does teach you to focus on rates of change
Just knowing that your combo can finish an opponent can switches your situation from very passive to very aggressive. Also some jungle / gank timing require clock math.
I think most serious / pro players memorize the numbers already. But casual players like me still have do head math.
but the big hangup is that "stochastically correct/incorrect" part. Can't count on it, still need skillz. Maybe when straberry/q* drops things will change in this regard