To be able to achieve that is entirely dependent on two things:
1) deploying capital in the current fund on 'sexy' ideas so they can tell LPs they are doing their job
2) paper markups, which they will get, since Ilya will most definitely be able to raise another round or two at a higher valuation. even if it eventually goes bust or gets sold at cost.
With 1) and 2), they can go back to their existing fund LPs and raise more money for their next fund and milk more fees. Getting exits and carry is just the cherry on top for these megafund VCs.
You will struggle to raise funds if the companies you bet on perform poorly; the worse your track record the less chances of raising money and earn income from it.
I mean it probably depends on the LP and what is their vision. Not all apples are red, come in many varieties and some for cider others for pies. Am I wrong?
but.. it really depends heavily on the LP base of the firm, and what the firm raised it's fund on, it's incredibly difficult to generalize. The funds I'm involved around as an LP... in my opinion they can get as "sexy" as they like because I buy their thesis, then it's just: get the capital deployed!!!!
Most of this is all a standard deviation game, not much more than that.
an LP is a "limited partner." they're the suckers (or institutional investors, endowments, pensions, rich folks, etc.) that give their cash to venture capital (VC) firms to manage. LPs invest in VC funds but don't have control over how the money gets used—hence *limited* partner. they just hope the VCs aren't burning it on overpriced kombucha and shitty "web3" startups.
meanwhile, the VCs rake in their fat management fees (like the 2% mentioned) and also get a cut of any profits (carry). VCs are more concerned with looking busy and keeping those sweet fees rolling in than actually giving a fuck about long-term exits.
Someone wants to fund my snide, cynical AI HN comment explainer startup? We are too cool for long term plans, but we use AI.