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Saved whose day?

The shitty vendor who delivered crap?

The CTO who surrounded himself with yes men and was clearly completely unaware of anything happening in the company?

The devs who were worked to the bone, but don’t worry I gave them a week off?

The protagonist who lied to everyone to hit an arbitrary date for a company that clearly doesn’t give a shit about them?

This story made me cringe at every turn. I’m a hard worker and I have put in extra hours to make a launch go smoothly for a client here and there but this story is pure insanity. I’m willing to put in the extra time on occasion because of the “relationship” I have with my boss and knowing that I can always tell them the truth. In fact that’s a core concept of having a no-blame culture, you only get that IF everyone is telling the truth.

Lying like crazy to meet a deadline for an idiot CTO is quite literally insane. If you find yourself in a situation like this then GTFO of there and find a better place to work.

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