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Show HN: Salad, a distributed cloud for AI (like Airbnb for GPUs)

So, I installed it, and my WindowsFirewallControl asked me to add the following to the firewall rules

I don't know what t-rex does (it has a T-Rex as an icon) but I definitely recognize that xmrig.exe is a Monero miner. So the language about "Deploy AI/ML production models" appears to be a bit bullshit (pardon my french).

I know you posted that 5 days ago, but can you please elaborate why I am running a Monero miner under Salad?


Below the code from my firewall rules (win10pro)

t-rex.exe Windows Firewall Control C:\programdata\salad\workloads\t-rex-0.26.8\t-rex.exe All Yes Allow Out Any

XMRig miner (xmrig.exe) Windows Firewall Control C:\programdata\salad\workloads\xmrig-cpu-6.21.0\xmrig.exe All Yes Allow Out Any

Salad.Bowl.Service (salad.bowl.service.exe) Windows Firewall Control C:\program files\salad\saladbowl\salad.bowl.service.exe All Yes Allow Out Any

Salad (salad.exe) Windows Firewall Control C:\program files\salad\salad.exe All Yes Allow Out Any

librespeed-cli.exe (librespeed-cli.exe) Windows Firewall Control C:\programdata\salad\workloads\ndm\librespeed-cli.exe All Yes Allow Out Any

Salad (salad.exe) Windows Firewall Control C:\program files\salad\salad.exe All Yes Allow Out Any

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