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Autotuner: How to speed up your Rails app

loading story #40156983
I love to see how active and vibrant the Rails community is. I used to be concerned about the viability of building new companies in Rails, since the ruby share of languages is so low these days. Based on the still-healthy community and the ridiculous productivity level that a developer can have with Rails 7+ (turbo, morph, stimulus) I still think its a fantastic stack to build a company with.
loading story #40160536
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Where do you get the idea that the rails ecosystem is striving? I work on a big Rails monolith as part of my day job and the amount of abandoned libraries in the ecosystem and general quality of libraries is pretty miserable if compared to Golang, Java, Python, JavaScript and others.

I'm not saying it's a bad technology choice for a new company when all you need is to build a CRUD web app fast, but I wouldn't use it for anything that requires you to serve >1MB of JSON API responses or anything that requires concurrency, substantial IO, lots of API interactions with external services, low latencies, lots of memory or compute heavy computations, etc.

Just to give you a concrete example:

We use grape-api for some of our API endpoints. I needed to set some custom cache headers for some GET API responses and was looking into gems that do that for grape. They have a list of 6 libraries in their docs [1] that they recommend.

Their newest commits were 4, 9, 9, 10, 8 and 9 years ago, respectively. This is just one example, but I would bet half of the libraries in our transitive dependency tree haven't seen any maintenance in this decade.

https://www.ruby-grape.org/projects/ [1]

loading story #40163463
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loading story #40161007
with hotwire, rails is nearly a superpower. 90% of what react gives you at a tiny fraction of the dev time costs.
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